Thursday, April 29, 2010

Win a Beautiful Glass Frog Pendant/Pin

Did you even know there is an annual SAVE THE FROGS day?  Yep, it's tomorrow and one of my favorite animals is the star of the day - a frog!  Actually, it's a lot of frogs - but not enough frogs!  Because all over the world frogs are endangered and dwindling in numbers.  Many species have totally disappeared.  Since I love frogs, and since tomorrow SAVE THE FROGS DAY 2010, I am having a special giveaway.  I commissioned Brad Peterson ( to make a frog in his glass studio for SAVE THE FROGS DAY.  Brad did even better - he made 3 of the them.  Brad himself donated part of the cost of materials and labor and I purchased them all (couldn't make up my mind!)  "Now what?" I asked.  I considered a raffle with proceeds to the Save the Frogs Foundation.  I considered selling all three with proceeds to the Foundation.  But I wanted to do something fun and still support the Foundation. 

I have decided to give them away!  Yep, free!  But there's a catch.  They have to have names.  Everyone who comments on this blog and names a frog or all 3 frogs will have a chance.  Tomorrow afternoon I will take all of the names to a disinterested party to choose the best name for each and an alternate.  When the names are chosen, I will notify by email each of the winners for their shipping address and promptly send them on their way.  Now, how does that help the foundation?  Using the formula I use for selling my own pieces, I will figure their retail value.  I will personally donate that amount to the Save the Frogs Foundation in the names of the 3 winners.

OK - 3 easy steps:  1. comment on today's blog by 3pm tomorrow;   2.  Submit your choice of names for at least one of the 3 frogs, and  3. Be sure to leave your email address so you can be contacted when you win.

That's it! Now here are the stars of the show:

                                                                                        Large Frog Pendant

Medium Frog Pin

Small Frog Pendant



  1. Since frogs are very special, and endangered, why not give them special names too. My thoughts are on frogs are princes in disguise....
    Prince Charles
    Prince William
    Prince Harry

    I am very lucky to have frogs around my house every spring and summer! Sometimes they even congregate around the pool at night for a party! I have even had a few surprise visitors in my plants that have startled me at first, then make me laugh and grab my camera! I'll have to do a post on my froggy encounters!
    I love the shape of the large frog pendant, very natural!

  2. Funny that Della would name them after princes, because I thought of a name for the first pendant before reading her post... I'd call him Albert :)

    It's very cool of you to want to Save the Frogs, too, keep up your charitable spirit!

  3. What a lovely thought! I keep reading about the poor frogs. Anything to help them out. As for names, who says they have to be male frogs? From top to bottom my vote is
    #1 Josephine
    #2 Georgia
    #3 Hattie

    Be well! Hope to see you soon,


  4. those are all good names!! lol oh my now what i should call them? lol. lets see....
    #1 frog~~freddie stonehopper
    #2 frog~~gracie grin
    #3 frog~~sabastion
    email is
